Monday, August 31, 2015

Remembering Katrina - 10 Years Later

Wed night I had a birthday dinner at Charlie’s Steakhouse with my family and with some friends who we were with 10 years ago on a Saturday night two nights prior to Katrina hitting. Ironically, we were supposed to be at Charlies that night but cancelled. During dinner we got to reminiscing about the storm as many of us are right now. In some strange way the anniversary is bringing back memories of the mess and destruction that has somewhat been pushed to the back of my mind in recent years. (not sure why that is?)
Lucy Chun, Peter Lombardo, Janet Juge and the newly hired Matt Eaton that were affiliated with us back then. While I have probably 100 photos of the devastation, these few of the office and one of my house are a sort of humbing reminder for us to be grounded in all that is important in this world, i.e. people, family, etc. and not just stuff.
I truly remember the Weds. after the storm thinking to myself what the hell am I going to do for a living and where would I live. Flash forward 10 years and this office is having the highest commission year ever which speaks to all of your resiliancy in starying here and continuing to fight the good fight.
So, here’s to remembering what was and being blessed for where we are today. Let’s hope the next 10, 20, 30 etc. years continue to show more progress. - Richard Juge, owner

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